If you truly want to make good money in restaurant jobs as a waiter or waitress, try going for high end restaurants, or even catering services jobs instead of working a low end places like all-you-can-eat establishments, cheap sit down restaurants, or even fast food. While all of these places can give you some much needed experience, don't expect to make a lot of money, and do expect to work your tail off, as well as working long hours. Also don't expect to be treated very well, unless it is a family owned business, and you know them pretty well.
Here are some things you need to have in order to make it as a waiter or waitress in the industry. One of them is being able to memorize orders. This doesn't just mean being able to remember what has been ordered, but who ordered the items as well. Then you need to be able to write quickly, without having to ask over and over again. You also not only have to be friendly, but be able to take abuse by customers while keeping a cool head. You also have to be fast and attentive to your customers, but without 'hovering.' In order to get good tips on a consistent basis, you need to be on top of getting refills, serving the right people the right food right away, and go the extra mile for them. This can mean things like checking in on them often, clearing away dishes quickly, even if it isn't your job, and taking care of their needs in a timely manor.
If you want to get good restaurant jobs, then get some experience. This is the only way you are going to get into any high end catering services jobs, or work in classy restaurants like you find in resorts or expensive hotels. To get into the position you want you might still have to start as a dish washer or bus person. The better you do and the faster you are, the easier it will be to move up through the ranks. Many resort style restaurants have wait staff that have been there for years and don't easily give up their lucrative positions.
Take your time, and if you decide to just jump in with both feet with little or no experience, then you need to go into these establishments personally and be persistent without pressuring them. The more you are there, asking for a job, the more willing they will be to hire you.