In the first place, consider what kind of education you need to work as a hotel facilities supervisor. You will discover that in many cases, you will need at least an associates degree in a field like hospitality or facilities maintenance. Similarly, you can also look into vocational training that will give you the information or you might find that you are in a place where experience will serve you as well. In some cases, you will also need to be certified in certain types of equipment, like HVAC or even in electrical work. The more advanced training you bring to the table, the better your bargaining position is going to be, so consider what you are looking for.
Also keep in mind the fact that one advantage that will help you in getting hired is going to be having something to offer in the range of supervisory experiences. Are you good at managing people and are you someone who can be counted on during an emergency? You will find that there are also basic technical skills that are necessary when you are looking at how you can diagnose facility equipment problems. If you have ever worked in hotels before, you will realize that there are some general rules for certain procedures, but each hotel's procedure will differ slightly. You need to be ready to learn and to move forward with how you can get the results that you need.
Essentially, your job is going to be making sure that your hotel is safe and comfortable for the guests who use the facilities. You may be called upon to work long hours if something is working incorrectly and you may be called in after hours if an emergency occurs. Take some time and make sure that you think about what your options are going to be and whether this is the job for you. You need to be someone who is ready to take on responsibility and who is interested in good maintenance and organized care. Remember that communication both with your own supervisors and with your own workers is essential, so think about how well you might fit into this equation.
When you are thinking about the more technical side of the hospitality business, this might be the perfect option for you. Consider what your choices are and what facilities you might want to work for, and then take the plunge!